The B.Ed degree programme is modified by implementing credit and semester system with grading from the academic year 2015-2017.  


Duration of B.Ed. Programme shall be 4 semesters spread over two years.

The duration of odd semester shall be from June to October and that of even semesters from November to March. There shall be three days semester break after each semester and two months vacation during April and May in every academic year. 

A student may be permitted to complete the programme, on valid reasons within a period of three years from the date of admission to the programme.

Re- admission: Those candidates who discontinue the course can be given the provision of readmission if otherwise eligible as long as the same scheme exists. If there is a change in the scheme any time later, candidate will have to join the course as a fresh entrant, if otherwise eligible.

Transitory Regulations: Whenever a course/ scheme of instruction is changed in a particular year, two more examinations immediately following thereafter shall be conducted according to the old syllabus/ scheme. Failed candidates or candidates who could not appear for these examinations have to attend classes for the new course, according to the changed syllabus/ regulations.

Sanctioned intake :50
Scheme of the Programme:

The B.Ed. programme shall include

  • Common course
  • Core Course
  • Complementary Elective Course
  • Teaching Competence
  • Co-curricular Activities and
  • Extension Activities.
Structure of the B.Ed. Programme:
Programme Duration2 Semesters
Minimum Credits required forsuccessful completion of the programme48
Minimum Credits required from Common Courses22
Minimum Credits required from Core Course including Teaching Practice22
Minimum Credits required fromComplementary Elective Courses4
Minimum attendance required75%
Programme Structure:

I Common Courses

II Core Courses

III Complementary Elective Course

Consolidated Structure of B.Ed. Programme:       


CodeCourse NameCreditsHours
EDU 701Common CoursePhilosophical and SociologicalBases of Education45 x 18 = 90
EDU 702Psychological Bases of Education45 x 18 = 90
EDU 703Modern Educational Practices45 x 18 = 90
Core Course
EDU 704Theoretical Bases of Education45 x 18 = 90
EDU 705Approaches and Practices in Teaching45 x 18 = 90
Complementary Elective Course
EDU 706Complementary Elective45 x 18 =90
CodeCourse NameCreditsHours
Common Course
EDU 801Development and Management ofEducation in India47 x 12 = 84
EDU 802Personality Dynamics in  education47 x 12 =84
EDU 803Common Practical Work – Basic Skills in Child Study, SUPW, Art Education-   Health and Physical Education -Practical24 x 12 =48
Core Course
EDU 804Pedagogic Analysis47 x 12 = 84
EDU 805Preparatory Course in Teaching -Practical 25 x 12 = 60
EDU 806Teaching Competence – Practical830 x 6 = 180
Common Courses:

EDU 701 Philosophical and Sociological Bases of Education

EDU 702 Psychological Bases of Education

EDU 703 Modern Educational Practices

EDU 801 Development and Management of Education in India

EDU 802 Personality Dynamics in Education

EDU 803 Common Practical Work – Basic Skills in Child Study

SUPW, Art Education, Health& Physical Education – Practical

Core Courses:

EDU 704 Theoretical Bases of Education (Core Subjects)

EDU 705 Approaches and Practices in Teaching (Core Subjects)

EDU 804 Pedagogic Analysis (Core subjects)

EDU 805 Preparatory Course in Teaching Competence (Core Subjects) – Practical

EDU 806 Teaching Competence (Core Subjects) – Practical

Core Subjects:

English Education             

Mathematics Education          

Natural Science Education

Physical Science Education                      

Social Science Education      

Complementary Elective Courses:

Environmental Education

Health and Physical Education

Guidance and Counselling

Break -up of credits in Practical Courses:

EDU 803 Common Practical Work – Basic Skills

Practical CourseWeightCredit
Child Study SUPW & Art Education111 Credit
Physical EducationHealth Education211 Credit

EDU 805 Preparatory course in Teaching Competence

Practical CourseWeightCredit
Records of 5 Discussion Lessons5 Demonstration Lessons10 Criticism Lessons2 Lessons in Innovative Methodsand 3 Micro-Teaching Lessons11112 Credits

EDU 806 Teaching competency

Practical CourseWeightCredit
Practice Teaching in – Optional Subject  30 Lessons Plans of Practice Teaching415 Credits
Unit Plan,Unit Test & Statistical Analysis of DataPreparation of Teaching Aids Project11111 Credit
Viva- Voce2 Credits
Details of Common Practical Work –Basic Skills

Child Study

          Prepare a report of a study about a child preferably belonging to anyone category of exceptional children – during teaching practice.


Each candidate shall take one activity each from group I (Service), and Group II (Product).

Suggested areas for SUPW :

Service : Survey (a topic of social importance) Literacy classes, Awareness programme camps,  campus cleaning and beautification, cleaning public places and institutions, etc..

Product : Gardening/Medicinal plants, Organic farming, Craft/art works. Book binding, Soap making / Stitching and Embroidery, Candle making, tie & dye, Glass painting, Jewels making etc.

Art Education

The work book should contain : Need and importance of Art Education. A brief description of different forms of arts, Major criteria for the assessment of Elocution 

Health Care and Physical Education

 The handbook should contain the following:

HealthCare and FirstAid:

Significance of health education, Factors of good health, Health care programmes in the school, Health hazards and Maintenance of good health in pupils. Meaning and

Significance of First Aid, Basic procedure of first aid for wounds, sprain and fracture., Dislocation, Sprain, Cramp, Burns, Drowning, Fainting, Electric shock, Snake bite

Physical Education – Aims and Objectives of Physical Education:

Rules and regulations of any one major game and one event of athletics with diagrams. Types of tournaments and fixtures.


Conduct a minimum of three Physical Education Classes(during practice teaching) Participate in sports and  games in the college.

Details of Preparatory course in Teaching Competence

1. Discussion Lessons (Record)                : 5 Lessons

2. Demonstration Lessons (Record)          : 5 Lessons in Constructivist/ Process Oriented Format

3. Criticism Lessons (Record)                   : 10 Lessons in Constructivist/ Process Oriented Format

4. Micro Teaching Lessons (Record)          : 3 Micro Teaching Lessons on 3 Different Skills

All student-teachers shall take criticism lessons at least in simulated situations. It is desirable to present lessons for observation and reflection by student-teacher.

Teaching Competence

  • Teaching Practice – Teaching practice for 40 days with a minimum of 30 working days.

            Lessons and related Practical works.

  • Preparation of teaching aids – 2 charts, 2 models, 2 transparencies and 1 power point 

            presentation with a minimum of 5 frames.

  • Unit plan, Achievement Test, Statistical analysis of Data and Project.
  • Viva -voce on Teaching Competence and Common Practical Work

Scheme of Evaluation

                The academic growth of the student is evaluated through continuous internal assessment and semester examination. 25% weightage is given for continuous internal assessment and 75% weightage for the semester examination. In case of theory courses the continuous internal assessment will be done by the faculty. Except for Viva voce in the case of practical courses, the internal and external ratio is 1: 1 (50%: 50%) The practical examination will be done by the Board of Practical Examination constituted by the university. All students should appear before the Board of Practical Examination for external evaluation.

Internal Examination

Components of the Internal Evaluation and their weights are shown below.

i) Theory

Assignment / Seminar /Project / Survey2
Test Paper2

ii) Internal Evaluation                                         – 25%

   Attendance                                                  – 5%

   Test                                                            – 10%

   Assignments/Seminar/Project/Survey                – 10%


Those students who have a minimum of 75% average attendance for all the courses can register for the examination. Condonation of attendance to a maximum of 10 days or 50 hours in a semester subjected to a maximum of two times during the whole period of the programe may be granted by the university on valid grounds. This condonation shall not be counted for internal assessment. Student who is not eligible for condonation of attendance shall repeat the course along with the next batch. ii) Benefit of attendance may be granted to students attending University/College union activities, participation in co-curricular activities by treating them as present for the days of absence, by the Head of the Institution. This is limited to a maximum of 10 days and this benefit shall be considered for internal assessment also.

Percentage of AttendanceGrade
> 90A
Between 85 and 90B
Between 80 and 85C
Between 75 and 80D

Assignment/Seminar/Project/ Survey: 

The student has to take a minimum of one assignment/Seminar/Project/ Survey per course.

Class test:

A minimum of 1 class test is to be attended per semester.