The institution offers several value added courses of duration 30 hours or more to the students every year. The purpose of conducting value added courses outside the curriculum of academic programmes is to help students to develop their skills in their chosen field of the study.

Value added courses offered during the last few years are as follows: 2018-2023

  1.  Arts and Craft    
  2. Tailoring and Embroidery   
  3. Communicative English  
  4. Fabrication of Eco-friendly Products
  5. Yoga and Fitness 
  6. Digital Skills for Prospective Teacher
  7. Understanding India


  1. Syllabus for Arts and Craft

Contact Hours: 30

Course Code : VAC1

Course Overview

This course introduces B.Ed. students to the principles and practices of arts and crafts. It focuses on developing creative skills, understanding the educational value of arts and integrating arts and crafts into various subjects to enhance student engagement and learning.

Course Objectives

On the completion of the course, the prospective teachers would be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of arts and crafts in education
  2. Develop practical skills in various art forms and craft techniques
  3. Learn to integrate arts and crafts into the curriculum
  4. Foster creativity and critical thinking in students
  5. Use arts and crafts as tools for inclusive education and cultural awareness

 Course Outcome (CO)

  1. Develop an understanding and appreciation of various art forms and craft techniques
  2. Recognize the cultural and historical significance of arts and crafts in education
  3. Acquire basic skills in various arts and crafts, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and textile arts
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in using different tools and materials for creating art and craft projects
  5. Enhance creativity and innovation in expressing ideas through arts and craft
  6. Integrate arts and craft into the teaching-learning process to make learning more engaging and effective
  7. Develop the ability to critique and reflect on one’s own work and the work of others
  8. Apply arts and crafts techniques to create an inclusive classroom environment that supports diverse learning needs
  9. Reflect on the role of arts and crafts in lifelong learning and professional development

Unit 1- Introduction to Arts and Craft in Education

Role of arts and craft in education, Arts education theories and philosophies, History of arts and craft in education, Cultural significance of different art forms. Pre-Historic Paintings.  Special characteristics of Ajanta & Mughal Paintings

 Unit 2- Basic Techniques and Materials

Basic drawing techniques, Introduction to different painting mediums (watercolor, acrylic, oil). Material used in paintings and its techniques. Craft Techniques Paper crafts: (Origami, paper mâché), Textile crafts: Weaving, embroidery, Clay modeling), Painting on different media (Pot painting, Fabric painting, Glass painting, Oil painting, spray painting)

Unit 3- Integrating Arts and Crafts into the Curriculum

Incorporating arts into language arts, social studies, science and maths. Project-based learning and thematic units. Fostering Creativity in the Classroom Designing and implementing a classroom arts project, Collaborative art projects and exhibitions

Unit 4- Enhancing Creativity and Critical Thinking

Techniques to encourage creative thinking. Analyzing and interpreting artworks. Creating a supportive environment for artistic expression. Flower Making, (Beads Flower, Stocking Cloth Flower, Pista Nut Shell flower, Crystal Flower), Modern Craft (Floral arrangement, Doll making, Clay modelling, Bottle art) Assessing student artwork and creativity

Unit 5- Inclusive and Multicultural Education through Arts

Exploring art from different cultures, Promoting cultural awareness and appreciation through arts. Using art to develop problem-solving skills. Adapting arts activities for diverse learners. Using arts to support students with special needs

Recommended Resources

  • Books, articles and online resources on arts education
  • Art supplies and materials for practical sessions
  • Access to art studios or craft rooms

2. Syllabus for Tailoring and Embroidery

Contact Hours: 30

Course Code : VAC2

Course Overview

Course Overview

This course introduces B.Ed. students to the principles and practices of tailoring and embroidery. It focuses on developing practical skills, understanding the educational value of these crafts and learning how to integrate them into teaching to enhance creativity and vocational training

Course Objectives

On the completion of the course, the prospective teachers would be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of tailoring and embroidery in education
  2. Develop practical skills in basic and advanced tailoring and embroidery techniques
  3. Learn to integrate tailoring and embroidery into the curriculum
  4. Foster creativity and vocational skills in students

Course Outcome (CO)

  1. Develop proficiency in basic and advanced techniques of tailoring, including pattern making, garment construction and alteration
  2. Acquire expertise in various embroidery stitches, designs and their applications on different fabrics
  3. Ability to conceptualize and create original designs for garments and embroidery projects
  4. Knowledge of different types of fabrics, their characteristics and suitability for various tailoring and embroidery projects
  5. Appreciation of the cultural and historical significance of various embroidery styles and traditional garment making techniques

Unit 1- Introduction to Tailoring and Embroidery in Education

History and cultural significance of tailoring and embroidery. Understanding fabrics and materials. Introduction, tools and supplies, Basic Embroidery Techniques, Do’s and don’ts of Hand Embroidery. Tools and Equipment used in tailoring

 Unit 2- Basic Tailoring Techniques

Description of various tools used in tailoring – Drafting tools: – Cutting Tools: – Stitching tools. Machine Operation -Different parts of machine and their functions. – Safety precautions – Proper maintenance and oiling, Sewing Basics Basic stitches: satin stitch, chain stitch, French knots

Unit 3- Advanced Tailoring Techniques

Garment Construction (Measuring and cutting fabric. Sewing seams and finishing edges) Pattern Making and Alterations Creating and using sewing patterns. Basic alterations and adjustments for fit. Hand stitches – Machine stitches – Decorative stitches

Unit 4- Advanced Embroidery Techniques

Tools and materials for embroidery, Hand Embroidery Designing and transferring patterns onto fabric. Combining stitches to create textures and designs. Machine Embroidery- Cording, Running, Round, Long and Short, Satin, Twine Cording, Quilting Work

Unit 5- Integrating Tailoring and Embroidery into the Curriculum

Incorporating tailoring and embroidery into various subjects. Designing and implementing a classroom tailoring or embroidery project. Collaborative projects and exhibitions. Organizing sewing and embroidery clubs. Engaging parents and community in craft education

Recommended Resources

  • Books, articles, and online resources on tailoring and embroidery
  • Sewing machines, embroidery hoops, needles, threads, and fabrics
  • Access to sewing and embroidery studios or workshops

3. Syllabus for Communicative English

Contact Hours: 32

Course Code : VAC3

Course Overview

This course introduces B.Ed. students to the principles and practices of Communicative English. It focuses on improving proficiency in English language skills, Enhance ability to engage in effective oral and written communication, develop greater confidence in public speaking and presentations and improve listening and comprehension skills

Course Objectives

On the completion of the course, the prospective teachers would be able to:

  1. To develop students’ ability to communicate effectively in English
  2. To enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills
  3. To build confidence in using English in various academic and professional contexts
  4. To familiarize students with different forms of communication

Course Outcomes (CO)

  1. Develop the ability to communicate effectively and confidently in various real-life situations using appropriate vocabulary and grammar
  2. Improve listening comprehension skills to understand spoken English in different accents and contexts
  3. Enhance reading skills to comprehend and analyze various types of texts, including academic and literary materials
  4. Gain competence in writing coherent and well-structured essays, reports and other forms of written communication
  5. Develop skills in initiating and maintaining conversations, discussions and debates in English
  6. Acquire skills to prepare and deliver effective presentations, including organizing content, using visual aids, and engaging the audience
  7. Develop the ability to critically analyze information and express informed opinions in English
  8. Gain awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences and norms in communication through English
  9. Prepare for professional contexts by learning formal communication skills such as writing formal letters, emails and participating in interviews

Unit 1- Basics of Communication (6 hours)

Definition and Importance of Communication, Process of Communication, Barriers to Effective Communication, Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Unit 2: Listening Skills (6 hours)

Importance of Listening in Communication, Types of Listening, Barriers to Effective Listening, Techniques for Active Listening

Unit 3: Speaking Skills (8 hours)

Phonetics and Pronunciation, Vocabulary Building, Fluency and Accuracy, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills, Group Discussions and Debates

Unit 4: Reading and Writing Skills (12 hours)

Strategies for Effective Reading, Skimming and Scanning, Critical Reading and Analysis, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Structure and Paragraph Writing, Essay Writing, Report and Letter Writing, Email Etiquette, Creative Writing

Unit 5: Practical Applications (6 hours)

Role Plays and Simulations, Interviews and Mock Interviews, Presentation Techniques, Use of Technology in Communication


  • Continuous Assessment through Assignments and Participation (40%)
  • Mid-term and Final Examinations (60%)

Recommended Reading:

  1. “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy
  2. “Communicative English for Professional Courses” by Nira Konar
  3. “Effective Communication Skills” by MTD Training
  4. “Listening and Speaking” by J. Michael O’Malley

4. Syllabus for Fabrication of Eco Friendly Products

Contact Hours: 32

Course Code : VAC4

Course Overview

This course aims to equip B.Ed. students with the knowledge and skills to create eco-friendly products through hands-on fabrication techniques. Students would be enabled to explore sustainable materials, design principles and practical applications in an educational context.

Course Objectives

On the completion of the course, the prospective teachers would be able to:

  1. Understand the principles of eco-friendly product design
  2. Learn fabrication techniques using sustainable materials
  3. Develop skills in designing and prototyping eco-friendly products
  4. Explore the educational implications of eco-friendly practices
  5. Foster creativity and innovation through practical projects

Course Outcome (CO)

  1. Recall the principles of eco-friendly product fabrication and identify materials suitable for eco-friendly products
  2. Explain the importance of sustainability in product design and summarize the lifecycle analysis of eco-friendly products
  3. Compare the environmental impact of eco-friendly products with conventional products
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of different fabrication techniques in reducing carbon footprint
  5. Assess the market feasibility of eco-friendly products
  6. Design innovative eco-friendly products that address specific environmental challenges
  7. Develop their creativity and innovation skills by designing and creating unique eco-friendly products
  8. Incorporate eco-friendly practices into their future teaching careers, fostering a culture of sustainability in education
  9. Promote sustainable practices and educate others on the benefits of using eco-friendly products

Unit 1- Introduction to Eco-friendly Products

Meaning, definition and Importance of eco-friendly products in education, Case studies and examples of successful eco-friendly products, Types of sustainable materials (e.g., bamboo, recycled plastics, organic fabrics), properties and characteristics of eco-friendly materials, sourcing and availability of sustainable materials

Unit 2- Fabrication Techniques

Introduction to basic fabrication tools and equipment, Hands-on workshops on fabrication techniques (e.g., 3D printing, woodworking), Safety guidelines and best practices in fabrication

Unit 3- Environment Friendly Products

Hands-on training on preparation of Paper Bag, Bamboo Decorations, Cloth napkin, Door Mat, Cloth bag, Design thinking and its application to eco-friendly product design. Design principles for minimizing environmental impact

Unit 4- Educational Applications

Integrating eco-friendly product fabrication into educational settings, Creating lesson plans and educational resources, Collaborative projects with schools or community organizations

Unit 5- Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations in eco-friendly product fabrication, Environmental regulations and certifications, Sustainable business practices and entrepreneurship opportunities, Collaborative projects with schools or community organizations, Peer evaluation and feedback, Reflection on learning outcomes and future applications

Recommended Resources:

  • Textbooks and articles on eco-friendly design and fabrication
  • Online platforms for sourcing sustainable materials
  • Guest lecturers from industry experts and practitioners

5. Syllabus for Yoga and Fitness 

Contact Hours: 30

Course Code : VAC5

Course Overview

This course aims to introduce B.Ed. students to the principles of yoga, fitness and aerobics, emphasizing their role in promoting physical and mental well-being. Students will engage in practical sessions, theoretical study and educational applications to integrate these practices into educational contexts

Course Objectives

On the completion of the course, the prospective teachers would be able to:

  1. Understand the foundational principles of yoga, fitness and aerobics
  2. Develop practical skills in performing yoga asanas, fitness exercises, and aerobics routines
  3. Explore the physiological and psychological benefits of these practices
  4. Learn to design and implement yoga, fitness, and aerobics sessions in educational settings
  5. Reflect on personal well-being and professional development through these practices

 Course Outcome (CO)

  1. Remember and Recall list out the fundamental principles and concepts of yoga, fitness and aerobics and various yoga postures, fitness exercises and aerobic routines
  2. Describe the physiological and psychological effects of regular practice of yoga and aerobics
  3. Apply knowledge of proper techniques to ensure safety and maximize benefits during physical activities
  4. Analyze the impact of yoga, fitness, and aerobics on overall health and well-being
  5. Assess the effectiveness of various yoga and aerobic routines in improving physical fitness and mental health
  6. Evaluate personal fitness levels and design a customized yoga and aerobic routine to meet individual goals
  7. Develop a comprehensive fitness plan that integrates yoga, fitness exercises, and aerobics for students 

Unit 1- Introduction to Yoga, Fitness and Aerobics

History and philosophy of yoga, Fitness and Aerobics, Basic yoga postures (asanas) and their benefits, General guidelines for yoga practices. Warming – up exercises, Suryanamaskar, Breathing techniques (pranayama) and relaxation exercises, Yoga sequences for flexibility, strength, and balance, Meditation and mindfulness practices, International Yoga day and Common yoga protocol.

Unit 2- Concepts and Techniques of Yoga, Fitness and Aerobics

Common guidelines for asana (Sarvangasana, Savasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Halasana, Salabhasana, Pawanmukthasana, Dhuanurasana, Pascimotanasana, Chakrasana, Viparitakarani, ArthaMatsyendrasana, Tadasana and  Trikonasana), Fitness assessment techniques, Introduction to aerobic exercise and its benefits, Aerobic dance routines and choreography, Safety guidelines and precautions in aerobic workouts, Common guidelines for Pranayama

Unit 3- Integrating Yoga, Fitness and Aerobics in Education

 Educational theories supporting physical activity in schools, creating lesson plans integrating yoga, fitness and aerobics, Addressing diverse learner needs through adaptive practices

Unit 4- Professional Development and Career Opportunities

Role of physical education and wellness in education, Professional certifications and continuing education options.  Career pathways in fitness instruction and wellness coaching, Designing and presenting a comprehensive fitness program

Unit 5- Practical Sessions and Workshop

Bandhas, Kriyas and Mudras, Hands-on practice of yoga asanas, fitness exercises, and aerobic routines, Peer teaching and feedback sessions, Reflective journaling on personal experiences and progress, Evaluation of peers’ fitness routines and programs, Final reflections on learning outcomes and future goals

Recommended Resources:

  • Textbooks and research articles on yoga, fitness and aerobic exercise
  • Online resources for yoga sequences, fitness workouts and aerobic routines
  • Guest speakers from fitness industry professionals and wellness experts

6. Syllabus for Digital Skills for Prospective Teacher

 Contact Hours: 32

Course Code : VAC6

  Course Overview:

This course aims to empower B.Ed. students with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize digital tools and technologies in educational contexts. Students will explore various digital resources, learn to create engaging digital content, and understand the implications of technology on teaching and learning

 Course Objectives

 On the completion of the course, the prospective teachers would be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of digital literacy and its impact on education
  2. Develop proficiency in using educational technologies for instruction and assessment
  3. Explore digital content creation tools and techniques
  4. Foster critical thinking and digital citizenship among students
  5. Reflect on ethical considerations and best practices in using technology in education

 Course Outcome (CO)

  1. Recall digital tools and resources relevant to teaching practices and List key features of educational technology platforms.
  2. Explain the importance of integrating digital skills in modern teaching methodologies
  3. Interpret how digital literacy enhances student engagement and learning outcomes
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in using various educational software and tools for lesson planning
  5. Implement digital strategies to create interactive learning environments
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of different digital tools in achieving educational goals
  7. Compare and contrast various digital resources for their suitability in different teaching contexts
  8. Assess the impact of digital skills on student motivation and academic performance
  9. Develop digital learning resources tailored to diverse student needs and learning styles.

Unit 1- Introduction to Digital Skills for Teachers

Definition of digital literacy and its relevance in education, Historical context and evolution of technology in education, Current trends and emerging technologies in the educational landscape

Unit 2- Essential Digital Tools for Educators

Learning management systems (LMS) and classroom management software, Productivity tools (e.g., Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365), Collaboration platforms and communication tools (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams) Design principles for creating engaging digital content, Multimedia tools for content creation (e.g., video editing, graphic design), Copyright and fair use guidelines for digital content

Unit 3- Integrating Technology into Instruction

Pedagogical strategies for effective technology integration, using digital resources for differentiated instruction, Flipped classroom models and blended learning approaches

Unit 4- Integrating Technology into Instruction

Digital assessment tools and platforms, providing timely and constructive feedback electronically, Data-driven decision-making in educational settings, Teaching students about responsible online behavior, Cyber security awareness and privacy considerations,  Addressing digital divide and equity issues in technology access

Unit 5- Professional Development and Lifelong Learning

Personal learning networks (PLNs) and online communities for educators, Continuous professional development through online courses and webinars, staying updated with technology trends and innovations in education, developing digital portfolios showcasing educational technology competencies

Recommended Resources:

  • Textbooks and articles on educational technology and digital literacy
  • Online tutorials and guides for specific digital tools and platforms
  • Webinars and workshops by educational technology experts

7. Syllabus for Understanding India

 Contact Hours: 30

Course Code : VAC7

  Course Overview:

This course aims to provide B.Ed. students with a comprehensive understanding of India’s diverse cultural, historical, geographical and social dimensions. Through interdisciplinary study, students will gain insights into India’s heritage, contemporary issues and their implications for education.

   Course Objectives

  On the completion of the course, the prospective teachers would be able to:

  1. Explore the cultural diversity and heritage of India
  2. Examine key historical events and their impact on India’s development
  3. Understand the geographical features and regional diversity of India
  4. Analyze social issues and challenges facing modern India
  5. Reflect on the implications of India’s diversity in educational contexts

  Course Outcome (CO)

  1. Recall digital tools and resources relevant to teaching practices and List key features of educational technology platforms
  2. Interpret how digital literacy enhances student engagement and learning outcomes
  3. Implement digital strategies to create interactive learning environments
  4. Compare and contrast various digital resources for their suitability in different teaching contexts
  5. Critique digital content for accuracy, relevance, and educational value.
  6. Assess the impact of digital skills on student motivation and academic performance
  7. Develop digital learning resources tailored to diverse student needs and learning styles

Unit 1- Introduction to Indian Culture and Heritage

Diversity of languages, religions, arts and traditions, Major cultural festivals and celebrations, Impact of Indian culture on global perspectives Ancient civilizations: Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic period, Medieval India, Modern India, Independence movement, post-independence era

Unit 2- Geographical Features and Regional Diversity

 Physical geography: Himalayas, rivers, climate zones, Diversity in flora and fauna, Regional cultures and traditions across India’s states and union territories

Unit 3- Social Issues in Contemporary India

Socio-economic disparities: poverty, education, healthcare, Caste system and its implications, Gender issues and women empowerment initiatives, Constitutional framework and democratic institutions, Role of local governance: Panchayati Raj system, Challenges and reforms in Indian politics

Unit 4- Education in India: Issues and Innovations

Evolution of education system in India, Challenges in education: access, quality, equity, Innovations and reforms in educational policies and practices

Unit 5- Cultural and Educational Institutions

Role of museums, art galleries, and cultural centers in preserving heritage, Prominent educational institutions and their contributions, Field visits to historical sites, museums and cultural landmarks

Recommended Resources:

  • Textbooks and scholarly articles on Indian history, culture, geography, and society
  • Documentaries and films showcasing India’s diversity and heritage
  • Guest lectures by historians, sociologists, and experts in Indian studies