
Admission of students is made on the basis of the agreement executed by the management with the Government. The candidate should produce on the day of admission the following certificates.

1. Admission memo downloaded from the site of LBS Centre

2. Prescribed fee amount including course bee and any other kind of fees admissible.

3. Certificate to prove date of birth (SSLC Book)

4. Transfer Certificate (TC) from the institution last attended and Conduct Certificate.

5. Mark lists of all parts of Degree examinations and PG examinations where ever   

applicable and Degree/PG Certificates (Originals/Provisional)

6. Eligibility Certificate from any University in Kerala, in case of candidates who have

passed their qualifying examination from other Universities outside the State.

7. Migration Certificate, if applicable.

8. Documents to prove their eligible reservation status.

Attendance and Leave Details:

1. There will be two sessions a day – the forenoon session from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and afternoon session from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

2. There shall be an assembly of all the students every morning 10 minutes before the commencement of regular class hours. This shall be presided over by the Principal or any members of the staff. Soon after the reading from the Scripture, each student shall take her turn each day to address the assembly for three minutes on any interesting and worthwhile topic. News headlines are also shared.

3. The assembly shall come to a close with the singing of a suitable hymn.

4. Students have to ensure their attendance in the institution through the punching machine before 9.30 am and after 4.00 pm.

5. Students are not permitted to absent themselves without permission.

6. The Principal may demand the production of medical certificate when casual leave applied for is due to sickness.

7. A student absenting herself without leave for 15 consecutive working days will be removed from the rolls.

General Discipline:

1. Every student shall attend the classes regularly.

2. Students who come late may enter the classroom only after obtaining the permission of the Teacher.

3. No student shall leave the classroom without the permission of the Teacher before the class is dismissed.4. Students must be modest and neat in their mode of dressing and refined in behavior. Students are expected to wear the uniform on the assigned days.

5. Students are expected to spend their leisure hours in the library or in the reading room.

6. They shall handle college property with care and preserve the cleanliness of the campus, building and furniture.

7. Day scholars shall not entertain their visitors in the college. They should have their letters, money orders and other communications addressed to their homes.

8. Mobile phones are not allowed during college hours.

9. The course certificate for the university examinations will not be granted to any student unless the Principal is satisfied with her conduct, progress in studies and attendance.

Identity Cards:  Every student is expected to have in her possession an identity card with her photograph attested by the Principal while on the campus and when travelling to and from the college. Students should produce their identity cards for inspection whenever they are required to do so by the college authorities. The identity cards must be presented at the time of payment of each installment of fees, library work, while receiving the hall tickets, mark list and other certificates. 

If the card is lost a duplicate may be issued at the student’s expense of Rs. 100/- with the special permission of the Principal on submission of a written request for a duplicate card, attested by the parent or guardian.

Tests and Examinations:

1. The primary purpose of Examinations and Test papers is to evaluate the work of the students and also to give them training in appearing for examinations.

2. Exemption from attendance during examinations and test papers is granted only by the Principal.

3. Class tests, mid-semester and internal examinations will be conducted for each theory course.

Conduct Certificate and Transfer Certificate:

1. Application for Conduct Certificate and Transfer Certificate would be given as soon as possible after the student leaves the college.
2. No student who has previously studied in any recognized school or colleges shall be admitted to the college unless she presents a Transfer Certificate.
3. Usually a notice of 24 hours is necessary for the issue of a certificate.