Arts and Craft Resource Centre

a. Harmonium
b. Violin
c. Guitar
d. Tabela
e. Costumes and Jewellary for performing arts
f. Materials for painting
g. Tools and materials for making craft items.

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session                                              
a. Easel and Palette and other painting equipments
b. Tool kit for Jewellery making
c. Applied Arts kit
d. Canvases
e. DVD Player
f. Audio video editing software
g. Collar mike – 2

Curriculum Laboratory (Essential items available be mentioned)

 S. No. Resources for Curriculum Laboratory Write “A” for available and “NA ” for not available
 i  Resources for English Language  A
 ii  Resources for Science Education A
 iii  Resources for Social Science Education  A
 iv  Resources for Language Education  A
 v  Resources for core Mathematics  A
 vi  Overhead Projector / Notice Boards/ Black Boards  A
 vii  Computer Lab  A
 viii  Psychology Lab  A
 ix  Education Technology Lab  A

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

a. Software for Digital Language Lab
b. Apparatus and equipments for all methodology laboratories