Health and Fitness Centre

The health room runs under the physical Education department is equipped with first aid box, sphygmomanometer, steadiometre and weighing balance. The annual medical checkup of the students and staff is carried out under the guidance of the health centre. The Institution is located in the heart of the town and since number of Hospitals and clinics are situated in the vicinity of the College, facilities for Medical Aid is easily available. Health service programmes are arranged in the College campus and made available for the staff and students. The Institution conducts Medical Examination for the staff and students, once a year. First Aid facilities are available.Periodic awareness programme by experts on Health& Hygiene.

               Exercise is a bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness of the human beings. It is performed in colleges for various reasons including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, developing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, and mental health including the prevention of depression.

Five Components of Physical Fitness

1. Cardiovascular Endurance.

2. Muscular Strength.

3. Muscular endurance.

4. Flexibility.

5. Body Composition.

I.) ICT Resource Centre

Number of Computer systems:           93

Availability of Internet facility:           Yes                       

Accessibility of internet facility to students:     Yes      

Number of CD ROMs                    :  680

 Number of Resources added during the Current Session

Integrated Reader                :           1

Handheld Reader                 :           1

Antitheft Gate Reader          :           1

RFID card integrated door lock

Book Shelf Check in/ Checkout machine

  • RFID Technology
    • LCD Projector      :           2
    • Computer             :           6
    • Printer                  :           1
    • UPS                      :           6
    • CCTV Camera     :           2

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session                             

  1. Computer                             :           23
  2. Laptop                                  :           1
  3. Digital Display Board        :           1
  4. Headphone with Mike        :           20
  5. External CD Player            :           1
  6. External Hard Disk(1TB)   :           1
  7. Web camera                        :           10
  8. Speaker                               :           20
  9. CCTV Camera                    :           2
  10. Digital camera                    :           2
  11. Handycam & Stand            :           1 & 2
  12. DVD Player                        :           1
  13. Projector                             :           1
  14. UPS 5 KV                          :           2
  15. UPS 1 KV                          :           5
  16. A/C                                     :           1
  17. Amplifier                            :           2
  18. Mixer                                  :           1
  19. Mikes                                 :           6
  20. Base speaker                       :           2

Curriculum Laboratory 

S. No.Resources for Curriculum LaboratoryWrite “A” for available and “NA ” for not available
  i  Resources for English Language A
 ii Resources for Science Education A
 iii Resources for Social Science Education A
 iv Resources for Language Education NA
 v Resources for core Mathematics A
 vi Overhead Projector / Notice Boards/ Black Boards A
 vii Computer Lab A
 viii  Psychology Lab A
  ix Education Technology Lab A

Number of Resources added during the previous academic session

1.Software for Digital Language Lab
2. Apparatus and equipment`s for all methodology laboratories