Internal assessment shall not be uses as a tool for personal or other type of vengeance. A student has all right to know, how the teacher arrived at the marks. In order to address the grievance of students a three-level Grievance        Redressal mechanism is envisaged. A student can approach the upper level only if grievance is not addressed at the lower level.

Level 1 : Department Level : The department cell chaired by the College Coordinator; and the Course Coordinator and the Faculty advisor, as members.

Level 2 : College level : A committee with the Principal as chairman, College Coordinator, Course Coordinator and the Faculty advisor, as members.

Level 3 : University Level : A committee constituted by the Vice – Chancellor as Chairman and Pro Vice Chancellor, Convener – Syndicate Sub committee on Student’s Discipline and Welfare, Chairman- Board of examinations as members and the Controller of Examinations as member – secretary.


         Report on Awareness Programme 2020-2021
         Minutes of Grievance Redressal Committee 2020-2021
        Report on Awareness Programme 2021-2022
        Minutes of Grievance Redressal Committee 2021-2022
        Report on Awareness Programme 2022-2023
        Minutes of Grievance Redressal Committee 2022-2023