Library rules help the librarian and staff in smooth running of the library. The sympathetic and ever helpful attitude of the library staff is the golden rule in this library. Mount Carmel College library has framed rules according to its nature and object of the organization.

The well structured Rules and Regulations of Mount Carmel College Library.

  • All students who visit the library must produce their library ID cards on demand Books will be issued only on submission of the ID card.
  • Umbrellas, bags, big purse, books, files etc. are not allows inside the Library.
  • Users are permitted to carry only loose sheets of paper and pen.
  • Users should not cause damage to books, furniture etc.
  • During issue the condition of the books that is damaged mutilation should be informed, as otherwise user is held responsible.
  • Engaging in conversation/discussion/group study inside the library is allowed allotted space entry.
  • Reference books, dictionaries, manuals, maps etc are not loaned.
  • They should not trace or mark on books journals etc.
  • Replacement of books in racks by user is prohibited.
  • Silence is to be observed.
  • Admission of outsider is at the discretion of the authorities.
  • Students should not on any account circulate books to other students or outsiders.
  • All books must be return to the library 3 days before the close of each term.
  • The arrangement of furniture inside the library should not be disturbed.
  • The library reading area should be used only for reference and consultation of resource materials.
  • Users should fully cooperate with the library staff. In case of any need they should meet the librarian.
  • The persistent defaulters of various library rules will have their library services.