Acquisition Section is an important section, which acquires the books and the other reading materials. The standard of an Institution is evaluated by the acquisition section. The major duties involved in acquisition section of Mount Carmel College library are:

  • Personal examination of all requests for orders to determine whether the library already has them, and where and how to order them.
  • Supervision and handling of all orders whether acquired by purchased, gift.
  • Keeping accurate records of fund accounts in order to know the details of the fund allocations and other details of the book recording.
  • Maintenance and use of bibliographic aids.
  • Preparation of bills and payment.
  • Informing individuals about the new arrivals.
  • Ordering and acquiring of books, periodicals and other resources.

Accessioning, Classification and Cataloguing are the prime work of the technical section. This library has classified the whole collection of documents of Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.   It has fully automated its housekeeping operations and on-line automated Cataloguing system for the easy retrieval of information. The Library is using Library Management Software named Software for University Libraries (SOUL) developed by INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmadabad.


Circulation section also known as the counter, acts as heart of the library from where the accessioned materials of information comes in and goes out of the library, in a regularized manner. It is the place from where the information flow is monitored. Some preliminary reference queries are also answered here.


The purpose of the reference section is to provide current information needed to the users. Right information to the right user at the right time is the motto behind every successful library. The success of the library solely depends on the ability of the reference librarian and the collection of the reference sources.

To provide effective reference Services Mount Carmel College Library has a good collection of reference sources like Dictionaries, general Encyclopedias, Atlases, and Yearbooks etc. It follows open access system, where the users are freely allowed to interact with books and other materials. When they could not find the books or other materials required for getting their information, the library staff assists them for alternative sources of information by their expertise and experience. Rare books and other materials, which are not easily replaceable, are kept under lock and key and are provided to the users only on demand. There are other special services like Question Bank, Syllabus and books for NET/SET examination, Book Bank etc.


This section is an important section dealing with the primary source of information, namely the journals. The library has about 135 titles of back volumes of periodicals and presently subscribes about 30 journals. When all the issues of journals are received, they are bound as a volume. The journals are arranged in classification order and subject order. The important works of the journal section are registration of all the journals, Display of the journals in the appropriate display rack etc. Journals are issued only for reference in the library.


Property counter is an important place of the library. It takes care of belongings of the users and visitors of the library.


Entry door with RFid access control door lock and automated in / out reading facility with Anti Theft Software.


In the present Scenario, libraries are affected by a high flow of information centre which includes digital collection, i.e.-books, e- journals, CD. Rom databases etc. In Mount Carmel College Library, various types of electronic information sources are available. PhD theses, General Encyclopedia, Traveling Guides, Model Question papers in electronic format are a few to mention.


Today, reprography plays a very important role in the transmission of knowledge in the library resources and services. Xeroxing or photocopying of the information is the main work of the Reprographic unit. Introducing Reprographic services helped to preserve the document from stealing or mishandling.


The library has a NET resource centre with 12 computers with internet facility. Library has access to e-resources through the programme N-LIST (National Library and Information services infrastructure for scholarly content) funded by the Ministry of Human Development under its National Mission on Education through ICT. The students as well as teachers can use the resource centre during the library hours. The membership in N-List programme allows the teachers as well as research scholars to have access to more than 2100 e-journals and more than 57000 e- books. Specialized software ‘SOUL’ has been installed in the library to facilitate easy retrieval of information’s and e-learning.