Subject Associations & Clubs

The different clubs and associations functioning in the college are:
1. Daffodils  ( The English Club) This literary nook is an annexe for the creative output of students. It is often a venue for letting out hidden literary talents as well as for conducting seminars, film reviews, competitions and the like.
2. Ganithika -(The Mathematics Club) It conducts various programmes like inter class, inter school Maths Quiz Competitions, Maths related Exhibitions and Recreative Programmes. The aim of this club is to make Mathematics an interesting subject for all, to bring the public and practice teaching schools closer and to familiarise them with the functioning of the college.
3. Scientia – (The Physical Science Club)  The science club functions with the aim of organising future scientists. The various activities of the club are conducting seminars, field trips, quiz competitions, debates and publication of manuscript magazine.
4. BIOS – (The Natural Science Club)  The various activities of the club are conducting seminars, project competitions, inter school poster competitions, exhibitions, herbal garden arrangement, Plant of the week programme, Azolla cultivation etc.
5. Archives – ( The Social Science Club) The Archives is a place of collection of historical documents. The intention of the club is to popularize and make the subject interesting through the different activities of the club.
6. Educere – (M.Ed. Department) The Educere functions with the aim of equipping the student teachers with the 21st  century teaching competencies. It strives to introduce and nurture innovation in the educational practices.
6. Eco Zone – (The Nature Club)   The members of the Nature Club are led with the motive of providing awareness towards environmental protection. Various community awareness programmes, seminars, film shows, plant of the week programme and exhibitions are henceforth arranged.
8. Carmel Debating Forum – (The Debate Club)  Various intercollegiate debates are conducted every year under the auspices of the debating club. It is a practising ground for young minds for sharpening their wits and for developing communication skills.
9. Evita – (The Women’s Cell)  “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. To prove that this saying has not become a cliched adage and to find out a voice for women to express herself, to share her problems and ideas, a women`s cell, “EVITA” started functioning in Mount Carmel Training College in 1999. The aim of the Women’s Cell is to empower the teacher trainees to play their appropriate role as women teachers. The women’s cell makes the trainees capable of discharging their responsibilities and to make use of their potentialities to the maximum extent. Scholarly talks by eminent educationists, interviews with distinguished women leaders, participation in the activities organized by various voluntary organisations, arranging classes on cooking, flower arrangement, stitching, candle making, counselling and so on, integrating the dual role as mother and as employed woman are the various activities of the Women’s Cell.
10. Tourism Club  Globe Trotters The aim of this club is to develop leadership qualities, to know about different places, their culture etc. To fulfil this aim, study tours and one day picnics are arranged.
11.Health Care Club -The aim of the Health Care Club is to develop health awareness of personal hygiene, communicable and non-communicable diseases to teacher trainees and thereafter for their future career. Health care club organizes awareness classes on Breast cancer and health and hygiene. 11. House Activities The whole student community in the college is divided into four groups – Freobellians, Montessorians, Parkhursts and Platonians. Each group has a leader who will organise and monitor the related activities.
12. Sports Club – The Sports Club is meant to create healthy minds within healthy bodies. All the students of the college shall be ordinary member of the club and all the members of the staff shall be honorary members. Intra-mural competitions in sports and games and inter departmental throw ball competitions are conducted under the auspices of the Sports Club.